Application for SACI Membership

Our membership runs from June to July each year. Note if you register in the first six months of the year you pay the full fee. If you register in the last six months of the year you pay half of the registration fee.

Please note all foreign membership applicants need to submit a SAQA certificate in order to apply for SACI membership.

South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA):

Section A:  All applicants must please complete this section.

Type of membership required - Information on membership type

Corporate Member

Associate Member

Student Member - Honours/BTech/Postgraduate Diploma * (NQF level 8)

Student Member - MSc/PhD/MTech/DTech (NQF level 9 - 10)

Post-Doctoral Member

Student Member - Undergraduate Chemistry Student* (NQF level 7 and lower)

 Secondary School - Chemistry Teacher*  

Student, Post-Doctoral fellow and chemistry teachers must be enrolled in or employed by a South African/SADC educational institution or research organisation in a School/Department of Chemistry.

Patron member

R19 780.00

Company member 

R9 870.00 

Corporate Member 

R1 080.00

Associate member

R1 080.00

Retired member 


MSc/PhD/MTech/DTech student


Post-Doctoral member  


Undergraduate Chemistry student

*Free membership

Honours/BTech/Postgraduate Diploma student 

*Free membership

Secondary School Chemistry Teacher

*Free membership

Divisions of the South African Chemical Institute: Please indicate, by ticking the appropriate blocks, which Divisions you wish to join. Please note that you may join 3 Divisions at no additional cost.  Should you wish to join additional Divisions, a charge of R50 per additional Division will be levied.

Please do not type all information in capital letters

Your title:    Prof  Dr  Mr  Mrs  Ms

First Names:  


Postal Address:  

Postal Code:

Business Address (if different): 

Postal Code:

Contact Tel. No: 

Cell No: 

Fax No:     

Enter your date of birth :

-- dd/mm/yy

ID/Passport Number:   




E-mail address: 

Employment Sector:

If you are a student or Post-Doctoral Fellow, please complete Section C.  All other applicants must complete Section B.

SECTION B: For Corporate Member Applicants Only

Note if you did not obtain your qualification in South Africa, you need to submit your SAQA evaluation certificate.

Professional Qualifications:

Highest Degree/Diploma:

Awarded by:  


-- dd/mm/yy




Awarded by:


-- dd/mm/yy




Awarded by:


-- dd/mm/yy



Present Appointment held:

Date of Appointment:

-- dd/mm/yy


Experience in the practice or application of chemistry (describe your employment over the last 3 years). Please attach a detailed CV.

REFEREES: Give the names and addresses of referees in compliance with the regulations governing admission: one of whom must be a Member of the Institute.  

Referee 1



Postal address:

Postal code: 



Referee 2



Postal address:

Postal code:  



Referee 3



Postal address: 

Postal code: 



SECTION C:  For Student & Post-Doctoral Applicants Only

Name of Supervisor: 

E-mail address of Supervisor:  

Name of University/University of Technology:

Professional Qualifications of Student


Highest Degree and/or Diploma: 

Awarded by: 


-- dd/mm/yy

SECTION D:  Attach CERTIFIED copies of the following documents

Attach a copy of your ID/Passport   

 500Kb max file size

 500Kb max file size

 500Kb max file size

 500Kb max file size

 500Kb max file size

 500Kb max file size

Attach a copy proof of registration as a student / post doctoral fellow confirmation letter from supervisor. 

 500Kb max file size


Do you want us to invoice your subscriptions annually or for a three-year period.

Students and Post-Doctoral members do not qualify for Three year membership

Subscriptions for a three-year period - following benefits:

  • It is less admin for SACI having to send out the invoice only once every three years instead of annually

  • It is easier for members whose fees are paid for by their company or university to get them to make one payment instead of three separate payments and

  • MOST IMPORTANTLY, you are immune from subscription increases for three years i.e. you will only pay three times the 2019/20 membership rate and avoid any increases which will be brought in for 2020/21 and 2021/22.

Professional Conduct

Every member is required so to order his/her conduct as to uphold the dignity of the profession of Chemistry; and in whatever capacity he/she may be engaged, to act towards his/her clients, employers, others with whom his/her work is connected, and his/her fellow-members in a manner consistent with the Mission of the Institute.

I declare that while I am a member of The South African Chemical Institute, I will observe the regulations of the Institute and that I will conduct myself in a manner that befits the profession and to the utmost of my power maintain the dignity and welfare of the Institute.

Protection of personal Information

Consent and Permission to process personal information:

    I am a Human (Click the red square)