Frank Warren 2023 | Protea Hotel Ranch Resort | 3 - 7 December 2023
Sponsorship and Exhibition
The South African Chemical Institute (SACI) North Section is organizing the 16th Frank Warren Conference from 3-7 December 2023. The SACI North Section is made up of the following institutions: Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU), Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), University of Limpopo (UL), University of Mpumalanga (UMP), University of Pretoria (UP), University of Venda (Univen), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), and the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation Limited (NECSA).
The Frank Warren Conference is held every three years and it is mainly attended by researchers in the fields of organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, natural product chemistry and industrial chemistry. The theme of this year’s conference is “Securing Africa’s Future Through Organic Chemistry Research”. The following international bodies will be represented: American Chemical Society (ACS), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). We expect 150-250 delegates to attend this conference, comprising of researchers from within and outside South Africa, postgraduate students from South African institutions, chemical Industry representatives and general SACI members.
As you are aware there are costs associated with the hosting of such a conference, and thus the LOC is requesting support to be able to pull off an amazing week of organic chemistry discussions in Polokwane in December. A gratuitous donation, promotional items and gifts are welcomed. The following levels of sponsorship are available, depending on the amount of sponsorship.
We undertake to display your institution’s logo prominently on signage and screens during the event.
The following privileges are associated with each level of sponsorship.
Bronze Level (R5 000 – R15 000): (i) Display of promotional material at the event or as arranged with the secretariat. (ii) Company logo on the conference website with a link to your website. (iii) Acknowledgement in all literature and on the conference website once the sponsorship in confirmed.
Silver Level (R16 000 – R25 000): All privileges included in bronze above plus product flyers for inclusion in the conference bag.
Gold Level (R26 000 – R35 000): All privileges included in Silver level plus exhibition space and free registration for one (1) representative at the conference (excluding accommodation), and a half-page colour advertisement in the abstract booklet.
Platinum Level (R36 000 – R55 000): All privileges included in Silver level plus exhibition space and free registration for two (2) representatives at the conference (excluding accommodation), and a full-page colour advertisement in the abstract booklet.
Diamond Level (More than R55 000): All privileges included in Silver level plus exhibition space and free registration for three (3) representative at the conference (excluding accommodation), and a full-page colour advertisement in the abstract booklet. Additionally, the company logo will be displayed as the “blank screen” between lectures under the title “This conference is proudly sponsored by”.
Other forms of donations such as the ones listed below are also welcomed:
A sponsorship for a specific event on the conference programme Plenary speaker costs (travel and accommodation
Tea, coffee and lunches
Welcome Cocktail function
Poster function
Refreshments at the conference functions and poster session
Conference Dinner
Pens, stationary (Notes paper) and Souvenirs
Delegate name badges and Lanyards
Registration for Sponsorship in R (ZAR)
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