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South African Chemical Institute Statement on Diversity and Inclusion
The South African Chemical Institute is committed to diversity and inclusivity in chemical sciences. The Institute opposes discriminatory acts or threats based on race, ethnicity, citizenship, culture, language, disability, age, religious or spiritual beliefs, political opinion, gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation and economic class.
The Institute is dedicated:
to endorsing excellence and scientific credibility across chemical sciences conducted in academic, industrial, and governmental institutions, and
to nurturing the values of diversity, inclusivity, and equity in the chemical sciences in South Africa.
Hence, SACI will continue to play a leading role in assuring the professional competence and integrity of chemists and fostering international collaboration whilst upholding inclusivity and diversity.
South African Chemical Institute Statement on Sexual Harassment
The South African Chemical Institute will not permit any kind of sexual harassment (physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct) in the Institute or at events organised by or related to the Institute. The Institute is committed to and fully supports environments that are free of any form of unfair discrimination and harassment, including gender-based violence. Allegations of any form of sexual harassment will be dealt with seriously, expeditiously, sensitively and confidentially.
Benefits of Belonging to SACI
1.SACI is the only body in South Africa which is concerned solely with the promotion of the interests of chemistry and chemists. This involves representation on SACNASP, NSTF/SETAG, CHIETA and other government and non-government organizations.
2. SACI has both a geographical [in terms of Sections, namely Central (Gauteng south of the Jukskei river, North-West and Free State), North (Gauteng north of the Jukskei river, Limpopo and Mpumalanga), Western Cape, Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal] and a discipline-based structure. The thirteen Divisions include Analytical, Environmental, Industrial, Inorganic, Organic and Physical chemistry, Molecular modelling, Electrochemistry, Chemical education, Green chemistry, ThermSA, ChromSA and SAAMS.
3. Membership is open to all those with qualifications in chemistry or have an interest in chemistry.
4. SACI holds a Convention every three years. Many of the Divisions also hold regular biennial specialist conferences.
5. Reduced registration fees apply for SACI members to SACI-sponsored conferences and workshops.
6. Membership of SACI entitles chemists to join IUPAC, and enjoy access to IUPAC publications and services.
7. SACI publishes an electronic research journal, the South African Journal of Chemistry, which is Open-Access and part of the Scielo platform. It is indexed by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Current Web Contents, Chemistry Citation Index, Index to Scientific Reviews and Speleological Abstracts. It is accredited by DHET.
8. SACI makes annual awards to its members recognizing outstanding achievements by chemists.
9. SACI fosters and encourages student participation in events of interest to chemists, such as Young Chemists' Events, research colloquia, postgraduate symposia, etc.
10. SACI publishes a monthly newsletter, which reports news and events of interest to chemists.
11. SACI has links with other related institutions and associations, for example the South African Institution of Chemical Engineers, the Chemical and Allied Industries Association, American Chemical Society (ACS), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC).
12. Membership of SACI gives benefits when attending RSC events.
13. SACI carries out an annual salary survey.
14. Access to SACI webpages is by membership only. Non-members have limited access.
15. SACNASP CPD points for SACI verified courses, webinars, conferences and conventions.
Apply for membership - https://www.saci.co.za/apply_for_membership.html
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