WRASEA and EMS1 11 - 12 April 2024

Sponsorship and Exhibition
Gold Sponsor |
Bronze Sponsor |
The workshop will provide a forum where researchers involved in studies can exchange ideas about their ongoing research. Offer networking opportunity with industry partners and create an enabling environment for future collaborations.
Sponsorship benefit packages are customized to ensure that they are aimed at achieving the specific objectives of each sponsor. The benefits presented in this sponsorship prospectus are designed to increase the exposure and positioning of your organization and create brand awareness.
The exhibition will run from the 11th April 2024until the 12th April 2024 to ensure maximum exposure for all organisations. All exhibitors will be provided with an exclusive opportunity to showcase their products, services and technologies, innovative concepts, new research, products, and technologies to the delegates. With access to full workshop program and materials, lunches, teas & coffees, and Dinner. Providing exhibitors with ample opportunity to interact and network with delegates and industry representatives.
Gold Support – R15 000
Logo display on conference website and conference programme. Displaying the logos of all the sponsors and exhibitors during workshop proceedings.
Brand exposure through banner display at conference venue. Supply own banners.
Exhibition space for marketing materials with one standard table and two chairs.
Free delegate registration for two representatives inclusive of registration with all meals provided including dinner.
Silver Support – R10 000
Brand exposure to delegates through insert of marketing materials in conference bag.
Logo display on conference website and conference programme. Displaying the logos of all the sponsors and exhibitors during workshop proceedings.
Brand exposure through banner display at conference venue. Supply own banners.
Exhibition space for marketing materials with one standard table and one chairs.
Free delegate registration for one representatives inclusive of registration with all meals provided including dinner.
Bronze Support – Any amount < than R10 000
Logo display on conference website and conference programme. Sponsorship reel displaying the logos of all the sponsors during conference proceedings.
Registration for Sponsorship in R (ZAR)